Thursday 7 February 2013

Learn English, But need not learn in English

Learn English, But need not learn in English

Michael D’Cruz

CDO Education

From the caption it is clear that the writer is not against the international language English. I am not even hiding the fact that the writer got a chance to go abroad and pursue the teaching profession just because of the limited knowledge in English. Even after drinking a chalice full of benefits of English, I have the opinion that one must learn only in the language in which one thinks.

In Kerala and elsewhere people have the notion that the quality of education is good if the medium through which one does the learning is English. The question of medium instruction does not arise at all, if the instruction is carried out in the same language, which the child uses for thinking. Unfortunately, in Kerala most of the children in English medium haven’t got this opportunity. These poor children think in their mother tongue but learn in English. The so-called English medium teachers are also doing the same thing ie, they are thinking in mother tongue and teaching in English.
Understanding the significance of language in education, one must know what is meant by education and what the aims of education are.  Education aims at the over all development of the thinking capacity of the child. I am talking about the intellectual processes or the thinking processes like analysis, synthesis, problem solving, creative thinking, critical thinking, evaluation and application of knowledge. As a result of this process the child does the cognitive construction or creates knowledge. This brings out what is in the child, the true ingenuity of the child which when nurtured; the child comes up to the potential level of achievement. This process fulfills the ultimate aim of education; drawing out what is in the child.
Construction of knowledge results in neuron bindings in the brain and they set in the life long. It is not like filling the memory with alien knowledge and it goes to oblivion as the time lapses. Memory capacity is to be developed. The whole aim of education is not to develop memory alone. How many children in English medium have this ability to think in English and construct knowledge in that language? As we know that the thought predominates language and language predominated thoughts. In both cases the English medium children are deterred by the language factor. They have restrains in carrying out thoughts in alien language as the genetically triggered mother tongue comes in between. On the other hand the outcome of the thought processes cannot be wholly expressed in any form because of the inadequacy of the language compelled to use. This is a dangerous situation leading to many undesirable traits in the person. Language is for communication and the language one opted is not serving the purpose. This results in a lot of stress and strains in the child. Imagine of a small tot having this pent up emotion in him and year after the discontentment brews up, the child is not growing up with a balanced mental set up. In the learning process the child resort to memorization as the construction of knowledge is beyond his capacity and thus endangering the natural intellectual growth. Majority of English medium children lack the capacity of free and spontaneous expression of their ideas. Recently I saw PG students, conducting comparing in an international conference venue with prepares scripts. This sort of incapacitated state of mind reverberates with a sense of rebellious attitude: rebellion against what; nothing in particular but to everything in general.
Do you think that the above stated remarks have crossed the limits of exaggeration? Then try to find the reason for the following observation. In majority of college unions and university unions, the leaders elected are from student organizations having allegiance towards leftist ideologies. The NRIs and other aspirants who get into these institutes of higher studies, professional and non-professional courses, are from affluent families and products of English medium schools. Yet these budding personals joints hands with organizations alien to their faith, ideology, custom and culture. What is the reason? I don’t give much heed to irresistible love they have for socialism or like factors but a vent for release for the suppressed emotions accumulated by the years of strain education through restrained medium. When they are free from institutes with enforced discipline and start enjoying relaxed state of discipline, this is what they feel to do in the new atmosphere.
I dream of children in my beautiful state receiving quality education in the language in which they do their thought processes and acquiring efficient working knowledge in English for deep study and communication. I am inviting you to dream of this situation. An in your dream, if language used were Engligh, I would presume that you are the right person to do your education in English